1st night is really the most important night of every couple's life. It must be said that both male and female have different dream for this night. Every one usually want to make their 1st night memorable. That memory will make them smile at the time when they become old.Most of the females usually dreams about a happy and enjoyable family life, but whats about the mater of male? What they actually expect! Let's introduce some important things what every man expects in the 1st night of his marriage life from his wife.
1) Wife would be looked like angle:
Usually man do not marriage frequently. In 60-70% case people marriage one one time in their entire life. So, 1st night of their marriage life usually do not come any more. Because of this every men wants to see his wife as his dream girl at this night. He expects that his wife would look like angle, the most beautiful girl in this world.
2) He would be the 1st men of her life:
Still today most of the men expects that his wife would be virgin. That means he would be the 1st person of his wife with whose she would have physical relation.
3) Some naughty chat:
Every man want some naughty chat with his wife in 1st night. Most of the men expects that his wife don't want to get much closer at the 1st time. But at the end she completely get close of his husband.
4) Dream of a better future:
It is actually the starting of a new life. So every men expect some sweet dream from his wife as well as the women expects.
5) Good complement:
Every man want to hear some nice complement, that would make him proud and happy, from his wife.
6) Give her total responsibility to his husband:
This is the starting of a new life. So every men expects in this night women would depend on him in every steps as well as her whole life. Its really make a great and long lasting understanding among newly married couples. Every women should try to do this.